Chopped by Pascalia Kaguara

Green Roofed Cities

SDG 9 SDG 11 SDG 13

The concept of green roofs has not been taken up extensively in the world yet it can help in combating climate change especially in cities that are fast growing especially in Africa. In Africa, there are no policies and regulations that support green roofing. Most land lords at the same time avoid it due to its high initial cost. Although the initial cost of green roofs are expensive than traditional roofs , the long term benefits make every coin count. Green roofs can make property value increase especially in cities with little vegetation cover. Green roofs can help reduce green house emissions by increasing photosynthesis and reducing carbon dioxide emissions.
Green roofs also insulates buildings making the environment within the said buildings cooler. Green roofs also provide amenities like roof top parks and can be basis of education on the importance of climate change mitigation. Green roofs can also improve food security if well taken up.

Chopped by

Pascalia Kaguara

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