Chopped by Amani Asenga
© Conservation International

We need nature for our survival, the future begin with us now to conserve our mother Earth

SDG 3 SDG 13 SDG 15

The natural world is an incredible wonder that inspires us all. It underpins our economy, our society, indeed our very existence, Our forests, rivers, oceans and soils provide us with the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we irrigate our crops with.( According to UNEP findings)
There is no question that Earth has been a giving planet. Everything humans have needed to survive, and thrive, was provided by the natural world around us: food, water, medicine, materials for shelter, and even natural cycles such as climate and nutrients.

In Tanzania the government environmental authorities such as NEMC and others tries to spread awareness on how the mother Earth and nature is essential to human being.

Chopped by

Amani Asenga

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