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Importance of Water in Life

Importance of Water in Life | Water and Its Importance: Youtube |Importance of Water - YouTube

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Importance of Water - CBSE NCERT Science - YouTube

The water in our bodies is essential for life. Without water, we can't survive.

Water forms as the most essential liquid on Earth. It is made up of tiny units called Molecules, which are combination of smaller units called Atoms. Water consists of 2 Hydrogen Atoms and one atom of Oxygen which gives it the scientific name as H2O.
There are 3 physical states of Water –
1. Liquid
2. Solid (Ice)
3. Gas (Steam or Vapor)
Do you know some of the fresh resources of water?
Some of the fresh resources of water are
Excavated Dams.
Underground Water.

But, do you know why Water is important?
To know, why water is so important let us go back to what our Ancestors said.
In round-about 6th Century B.C., Greek Philosopher Thales said that “Water is the divine source of all living beings”.
We all need water to sustain our lives. Humans, Plants and Animals need water for various purposes.

Let us now discuss the various uses of water.
Humans use water for Drinking, Bathing, Cooking, Cleaning, and Washing.
Water is also an important source of irrigation of crops in Agriculture.
Plants use water to make their own food through the process of Photosynthesis.
Various Aquatic Animals like Fish, Blue Whales, Sea Horse, etc. need water to live.
Do you know that Water is also used for generating Electricity?
Yes, Water is an important source of generating electricity using Hydropower Technology.

Some Interesting Facts on Water
75% of the Earth’s surface is covered with Water.

Around 60-70% of the human body is made up of water.

The importance of water, importance of water in points, The importance of water, Why Water Is Important to Life, Science Video, Importance of Water in our Life - YouTube, IMPORTANCE OF WATER FOR OUR LIFE - YouTube, Importance of water for life (video), Water and Its Importance, Why water is important - Hindi - YouTube, Importance of Water - CBSE NCERT Science - YouTube, The importance of water

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