© Driving Systems Change - Corporate Leadership for the SDGs

Driving Systems Change | Day 2 - Training and Education Challenge

Training and Education Challenge: Business schools as force for positive change?
An increasing number of business schools and universities around the world have embraced the SDGs in their teaching, training and research activities. What is the status of these efforts? Do they help students to be trained to contribute to achieving the Decade of Action and the envisaged systemic change? Can they help in companies to implement relevant tools and hire relevant professionals to help them with transformational change? How to deal with the danger of ‘SDG washing’ also for business schools– embracing the SDGs primarily for PR reasons? What is needed for business schools to ‘walk the talk’ and become a real force for positive change?

• Eva Rood (RSM)
• Florencia Librizzi (SDG academy; SDSN-network)

Setting the scene:
• SDGs in education (Eva Rood and Florencia Librizzi)

• Dr. Tao Yue (RSM) – SDGs in case teaching
• Dr. Maarten Wubben (RSM) – SDGs in bachelor education
• Maria Cortes-Puch (SDSN-network ) – SDSN Guide ‘Accelerating the SDGs in higher education’
• Luis Veiga Martins (Nova School of Business and Economics) – SDG Academy, SDSN, and the Community of Practice
• Dr. Mette Morsing: What role can PRME play to advance this?
This video was published on the Driving Systems Change - Corporate Leadership for the SDGs channel

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