© Driving Systems Change - Corporate Leadership for the SDGs

Driving Systems Change | Day 2 - The Metrics Challenge

The Metrics Challenge: A living wage as priority?
The SDG project provides a clear opportunity to harmonize and coordinate relevant metrics to measure and monitor change. 169 targets are covered by around 230 indicators. Custodian agencies are working on filling the gaps in this set-up. Much work has to be done also on linking various indicators to increase intelligent strategies and seize net positive effects. The Nexus challenge was discussed yesterday. But can we also prioritize certain indicators that can function as a ‘litmus test’ for many other indicators? And can this also be based on an indicator that is not yet fully covered by the SDG-framework. What about ‘living wage’ for instance? Preferred check on ‘nobody left behind’ principle?

• prof. Martin Kahanec (Dean Central European University)
• Paulien Osse (Wage Indicator Foundation)

Participants (companies using ‘living wage’ as benchmark):
• Bogdan Pode, leading the Development of Global Wage practices at IKEA
• Laura Garcia, Head of the Global Experience Team Further initiatives of Glovo
• Simon Braaksma, Senior Director of Philips
• prof. Katrien Termeer (Crown member of the Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands)
This video was published on the Driving Systems Change - Corporate Leadership for the SDGs channel

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