WTO Public Forum 2015
“Trade Works”
30/09/2015 - 02/10/2015
OPENING PLENARY DEBATE: Making Trade Work More Inclusively
This year's Public Forum is particularly special as we are marking the 20th anniversary of the WTO. With the theme “Trade Works”, the Forum will be an opportunity to discuss and assess the contribution that 20 years of global cooperation in the WTO has made to the strength and stability of the world economy. We will be focusing on how trade works through the multilateral system to boost growth, lift people out of poverty, increase access to goods and medicines, and promote peaceful, mutually-beneficial relationships between nations. Looking forward to the next 20 years, we will also be looking at those areas where trade can work better and where the WTO can do more.
Geneva, Switzerland, WTO headquarters
Organized by
The World Trade Organization (WTO)
Web site