Water Talks Series - Edition 5
The Geneva Water Hub – Research and Education Function, is proud to announce the 5th edition of the Water Talks Series.
The speakers will have the opportunity to share a 12mn presentation on a topic related to "Exploring Dam Politics: Rivalries, Power and Hope".
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For this edition we have the pleasure of welcoming the four following honourable speakers:
Prof Julien Harou, University of Manchester, UK, “Can tracking multiple SDG benefits and costs of dams help negotiated solutions?”
Prof Aysegül Kibaroglu, MEF University, Turkey, "Dam development trajectory in the Euphrates-Tigris river basin: challenges and prospects”
Dr Filippo Menga, University of Reading, UK, “Dams and the nation-state across space and time”
Prof Christopher Sneddon, Dartmouth College, USA, “Dams as technopolitical objects: Global Geopolitics and the transformation of the Mekong Basin”