UN/CEFACT Conference on "Latest technology trends impacting eBusiness, internet trading and trade facilitation: Anticipating the fourth industrial revolution" 3 April 2019
Technology is evolving faster than ever before in human history. We are at the intersection of several cutting edge technologies that are redefining interactions between the physical and virtual world, driving disruption and enabling new business modes. These trends such as Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Things, Quantum Computing, Edge devices hold significant promise in trade facilitation. Given these cutting edge developments in technology, it becomes important to keep up to date with the latest trends to evaluate which trends and approaches may be viable for future developments, investments and practical implementation.
We would like to keep UN/CEFACT community updated about the latest news and trends in technology field, and the potential impact these trends may have on different industry sectors and trade facilitation in general.
The goal of this event is to introduce and discuss the latest technology innovations and trends that have the potential to challenge and change the established trade practices. During the event experts and practitioners from different industries will present their knowledge on these topics, projects that have been implemented, and use cases in enabling trade facilitation with a focus on benefits derived and challenges they foresee in implementation.
Target Audience
All interested in finding out more about how strategic technology trends could be used to support trade facilitation.
- UN/CEFACT Experts knowledgeable and interested in the latest technology trends and their application in Trade facilitation.
- Technology Developers and Analysts from governments, the private sector, academia and international organizations.
- End users, implementation champion and practitioners.
- Decision makers in the field of Trade Facilitation.
To attend the conference, participants need to be registered for the 33rd UN/CEFACT Forum. You are kindly invited to register online by 22 March 2019.
9:00 – 9:15 – Opening Address
Director of UNECE Economic Cooperation and Trade Division
Welcome Message Mr. Vint Cerf, Google
9:15-10:15 Session 1: The Latest Technology Trends in Data Sources
Moderator: Mr. Todd Frazier, FedEx BIO
Prof. Davide Scaramuzza, University of Zurich – Autonomous Flying Drones BIO
Mr. Francois Guichard, UNECE Transport – Intelligent Transport Systems BIO
Dr. Jörg Jermann, Rapp AG – Autonomous Driving and Truck Platooning BIO
Mr. David Woudenberg, Xomnia B.V. – Autonomous Boats and AI BIO
10:15-10:30 – Open Discussion
10:30 – 11:00 COFFEE BREAK
11:00-11:30 Session 2: The Latest Technology Trends in Data Communication
Moderator: Dr. Jan Hoffmann, UNCTAD BIO
Mr. Steve Capell, Australian Government Department of Home Affairs
– API and Programmable web BIO
Mr. Laurent Vieira de Mello, Astrocast - Nanosatellites and Satellites as a Service
Mr. Nikolai Vassiliev, ITU – 5G Networks BIO
11:30-12:00 Session 3: The Latest Technology Trends in Data Computation
Moderator: Mr. Kaushik Srinivasan, eMudhra BIO
Dr. Federico Carminati, CERN – Quantum Computing BIO
Mr. Marc Stampfli, Nvidia – Artificial Intelligence
Mr. Masamichi Tanaka, Uhuru Corporation – Edge Computing BIO
12:00-12:20 – Open Discussion
12:20-12:30 – Conclusion