Chopped by Clinton Ouma
© Guardian News

Living in a mass extinction!!! Ooooh! Humanity by Greta Thunberg

#Mass extinction#
SDG 8 SDG 13

Greta Thunberg takes her opportune time and reveals to the humanity of the impending danger awaits them due to their activities on natural environment.

The global climate is changing and breaking down at an alarming rate that will not allow humanity a chance to survive either.
Of most important is activists that abandon their daily activities for their livelihoods just to sensitize the general population of the impending danger that awaits them.

They key way for survival is to stop burning of fossil fuel. This is a mitigation process of climate change. However this alone is not enough to solve this ,there has to be an integrated and more synergistic way of solving this in order to have a better survival environment

Climate change is real, temperatures are skyrocketing, human survival is at stake!

Chopped by

Clinton Ouma

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