This year is going to be the make or break year for climate with the upcoming (COP26) scheduled for November this year.
World leaders have an opportunity to decide on the next step when it comes to climate change.
With the return of the US to the Paris agreement things are looking abit hopeful.
However there is still much work to be done.
Paris agreement aims to substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions in an effort to limit global temperature increase.
The effects of global temperature rise and already being felt including melting of glaciers, rising sea levels, flooding, worsening droughts among others.
The only way we can adress climate change and its negative impacts is if the whole world works together. We can't allow competition to get in the way of collaboration.
The whole world and especially the major emitting countries
need to cut down their climate pollution and strengthen their commitments to do so.
The cost of inaction exceeds the cost of action. We have to take prompt action in dealing with climate change or else the future generations will hold us responsible
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