Chopped by Angel Bira
© UN

Counter terrorism efforts with regard to COVID-19 and its consequences

#counterterrorism #internationalhumanitarianlaw #covid19

Highlighted areas guiding future actions in countering terrorism: By keeping up the momentum in fighting against terrorism. Also ensuring the availability of the right technology, tools and concepts to stay ahead of terrorists. Counter terrorism laws and security measures can not be an excuse to shrink civic space and deny other fundamental rights, full compliance of International humanitarian, human rights and refugee law is crucial, “the fight of terrorism must uphold those values without which we will never succeed” the ninth Secretary General of the United Nations António Guterres stated.

While Iraq continues to steadily recover from years of conflict, according to UNHCR as of 31st November 2020 thousands of vulnerable families across the country remain displaced and in acute need of protection and assistance 241,682 Syrian refugees (61% urban, 39% camp) and 40,875 refugees of other nationalities resided across Iraq, where the risk of COVID-19 is worsening in Syria and Iraq.

Chopped by

Angel Bira

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