Chopped by Alice C. Tanui
© Dean Schneider

Life in the WILDerness.

#PeopleCentredConservation #Leavenoonebehind
SDG 15

Elephants are the largest land mammal. Females will often stay with their mothers their whole lives so elephants often become great-grandmothers. Elephants are highly sensitive and caring animals, much like humans. If a baby elephant cries, the herd will touch and caress the baby with their trunks to soothe it. In the wild we find peace and serenity, the elephants being highly sensitive animals they perform greeting ceremonies when one of them has been away from the group
They also display behavior patterns similar to depression and PTSD

The African elephant has the largest brain in the animal kingdom – it can weight up to 5kg! This is amazing when you consider how much does an elephant weigh.The human brain, however, is larger when measured as a proportion of our total body
Elephants have poor eyesight they communicate with each other using sound,touch and scent

Chopped by

Alice C. Tanui

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