Chopped by Elijah Muindi
© NTV Kenya


#TheLostGlory #Ox-bowlakes #SDG11
SDG 9 SDG 13 SDG 15

The name Kamnarok originates from the word Narok, which is a species of a water plant found during the early stages of the lakes’ formation. The lake has the second-highest concentration of crocodiles after Lake Chad and hence its name “The Place of a Thousand and One Crocodiles”
It being also the only ox-bow in Kenya and fresh water lake is slowly loosing it's glory of housing more than 500 elephants.

This calls us to action, as a community and nation or else nature will always fight back and we will always end up facing up more crisis such as drying up of lakes.
Some of the solutions the community is urging us and the government at large is to implement actions like:-
a) Covering of the uncovered outlets by using gabion boxes.
b) Excavation of silt which reduces the surface area where the water settles due to a lot of soil erosion.
c) Invest with the community at the area being affected by crisis in reclaiming the glory of the ox-bow lake which will end up motivating the people in taking care of the environment.

When the above is implemented, instead of outsourcing contractors and construction companies which end up using alot of funds and giving unequal results.

When a problem is solved at the root source, the problem is not a problem at all.
Community has power too!

Chopped by

Elijah Muindi

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