Chopped by Elijah Muindi
© DW Africa


#Universalhealth #FreeMedicine
SDG 3 SDG 17

Good health and well being is one of the goals as a nation and a world really working on to it to achieve in the coming future.But this efforts are really bearing no fruits due to a slow iplementation of the agreed solutions to it.
A good example is Lamu as seen above.The isolated area lacks a very crucial facility such a health centre which leads to lack of basic medicine for their small ailments.

Big thanks to the Safari doctors for keeping the fight to a good healthcare to the remote areas.This is a step we should all take in our different areas of skill and enable that suffering kid in that remote area get to have hope by living a healthy life,being secure and not just depend on traditional medicine which is not a hundred percent sure of curing.

We really urge the government to bring into implication of Universal healthcare coverage,security really fast,if not we are going to lose lives and also to encourage the Omar kind to be more motivated into achieving a healthy living to every being even in the isolated areas no matter the boundaries.

Good health and universal care is a basic need to all.

Chopped by

Elijah Muindi

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