Chopped by Sheba Kebirungi
© World Health Organization (WHO)

The available COVID-19 tests


It is important to know the categories of COVID-19 tests available.

Dr. Hanan Balkhy mentions that there are three categories of these tests which are;

1. NAAT/PCR tests: These are molecular tests that look for genetic material of the virus itself

2. Antigen tests: These detect one or more specific proteins from a virus particle (outer protein of the virus).

3. The test to detect antibodies within the human body specific to the outer portion of the virus. This test detects an individual has developed immunity to COVID.

The PCR/NAAT tests tend to be highly sensitive and are carried out in a specific laboratory setting. The turn around for these tests is 7 days which is not advisable for an outbreak. Therefore, antigen rapid diagnostic tests are now available on the market because they are produced at a lower cost, less sensitive and provide results in less than an hour.

Chopped by

Sheba Kebirungi

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