Chopped by Benard Ogembo

What COP26 Really Mean for Africa.

#COP26 #climateAction #ClimateCrisis #Africa #ClimateAgenda
SDG 10 SDG 13 SDG 17

It is now a couple of weeks away from the United Nations’ Conference of the Parties 26 (COP26) in Glasgow, where critical decisions that will shape the future of climate governance will be made.

As the continent least responsible for, and yet most vulnerable to climate change, African governments cannot afford to be complacent on the need for strong negotiating positions and astute diplomacy in order to get good outcomes from the UN meeting. Of the many issues of negotiation that concern Africa, climate finance has to be among the priorities.

It is important that African leaders are not naïve or ignorant about a host of outstanding issues on climate finance in COP26, the outcome of which can either accelerate or hinder the climate-resilient and sustainable development of Africa.

The developed nations promised to raise $100 billion a year to support climate change adaptation and mitigation in vulnerable countries. However, reports show that this pledge has fallen short by at least US$20 billion since 2018.

Unfortunately, there are no clear plans provided by the rich nations on how this deficit will be met. This is the time to hold them accountable.

It is time that Africa’s situation is pushed up the agenda. Without faster, more effective action on climate change, both poverty and conflict are likely to increase, with heavy costs for the whole world.

Chopped by

Benard Ogembo

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