Chopped by Flevian Jaden

International Day of Nonviolence (2nd October)

SDG 16 SDG 17

In the world we live in today there is just as much peace as there is violence. Various factors cause violence such as religious intolerance, famine, political instability, ethnic clashes just but to mention a few.

The International Day of Nonviolence was first commemorated in 2007, when the United Nations General Assembly approved a resolution on June 15, 2007, declaring that this day provides an opportunity to “disseminate the message of nonviolence, particularly via education and public awareness."

This day seeks to mark a day of cultural exchange, understanding and tolerance. We are not that much different, we might speak different language and have different cultures but that is what is meant to bring us together through exchange and understanding and that is what this day aims to achieve; through spreading awareness about the different religions for example

It is only through understanding and public awareness that we can have nonviolence.

Chopped by

Flevian Jaden

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