Chopped by Pascalia Kaguara

Keep the Five Alive

SDG 15 SDG 17

World Rhino day is celebrated every September 22 of each year. This year marked the tenth World Rhino Day with Keep the Five Alive as the theme. The day is meant to celebrate the five rhinocerous species : Black, white, greater one-horned, Sumatran and Javan rhinos found in Africa and Asia.
This year's theme is meant to create awareness on the endangered species especially Black, Javan, and Sumatran rhinos. The only two remaining northern white rhino are kept under 24-hour guard in Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya.

As human beings we are responsible for making these rhinos extinct and endangered due to our behaviors like poaching and environmental degradation. According to, 249 rhinos have been slaughtered for their horns, in the first half of the year in South Africa alone. Despite government efforts to fight poaching cartels in the National Parks. At the same time scientists are making efforts to save the white rhino from extinction by getting embryos from the last two in Kenya.
With combined efforts, it is clear that we can save the rhinos and other wildlife from extinction. We can do our part through environmental conservation and supporting conservancies like Ole Pejeta.
"The illegal wildlife trade threatens not only the survival of entire species surges elephants and rhinos but also the livelihoods and option the very lives of millions of people across Africa who depend on tourism for a living."- Yaya Toure.

Chopped by

Pascalia Kaguara

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