Chopped by Pascalia Kaguara

The Youth: The Key to Sustainable Food Systems in Africa


It has proven that countries in Africa are most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. People in Sub Sahara Africa are already experiencing extreme weather conditions due to climate change. Farmers in the region have become the most vulnerable due to unpredictable weather resulting to poor farm yields season after season. Leading to famines, with families starving due to dependency on traditional food systems. This has forced African Governments to restrategize on how to achieve sustainable food systems in order to save lives and livelihoods.
In his speech during the African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) 2021 summit, President Uhuru Kenyatta, pointed out four key areas that Kenya was focusing to ensure food systems are sustainable. These key areas are:
1) Youth
2) Digital Innovation
3) Diverse Diets
4) Climate Change
He mentioned the the Government of Kenya is encouraging youth to get involved in Agriculture by integrating technology into the sector.
As much as African governments are setting up policies for sustainable food systems, it should also be remembered that changing the mind sets and attitude of youth is the first step to sustainability. The youth should embrace and appreciate agriculture as a source of livelihood. Agriculture should be more commercialized to attract youth. This can only be done through the support of government not only through formation of policies but also through implementation of the policies. Provision of incentives, an effective supply chain system, agricultural research and development will help in cushioning youth farmers. If successful, sustainable food systems will also help reduce poverty levels in Africa.

Chopped by

Pascalia Kaguara

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