Chopped by Mercy Mumbi

Food security in Africa


Food security in Africa is one of the biggest problem we as a continent are facing ad also one of the biggest contributor's to why we might take longer to achieve the SDG this decade if something is not doe with immediate effect to improve food security ad how the food ca be disbursed so that everyone has access to healthy nutritious food.
Governments should step up ad improve o how the farmers will improve the food they produce by giving them ready raw materials to be used in plating like seedling's, fertilizers among others ad above all buy produce from them at good rates that will motivate them to eve work harder in the coming plating seas. Sub Saharan places in Africa should engage in irrigation farming that will enable the communities around there especially nomad communities. But above all let all the farming methods we engage in should be sustainable and not degrade our environment.
From my point o view if farmers are give what they deserve the we will have a 30% turnover in economic growth and, eradicating poverty ad the huger.

Chopped by

Mercy Mumbi

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