Chopped by Anita Soina

Healthy children today for a brighter tomorrow.


Most kids especially in developing countries suffer from food deficiency related diseases because they lack access to healthy ad nutritious foods. Some kids eve rely o the single meals provided by the school which are not balanced meal since its only one meal for the day ad according to the custom they are supposed to eat more meals to make it a full balanced.
For example the nomad communities rely o meat ad milk from from their animals hence that only end up consuming proteins with o starch, carbohydrates or vitamins to supplement ad kids end up having kwashiorkor ad extremely mal-nutritioned and very unhealthy.
Its time we fid ways to make sure to access healthy food maybe by showing them the importance of staying in a stable place ad maybe start irrigation farming so they have other foods to supplement the food or do small scale fishing. They should be more enlightened o other means to get food other that animals.

Chopped by

Anita Soina

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