Chopped by Flevian Jaden

Climate change in the pacific (Sinking islands)

SDG 13 SDG 14 SDG 15

Island states are on the forefront of climate change as they feel the brunt of its effects. Due to the geographic and topographic situation of these islands, they are placed in a position of intense risk in terms of exposure to the effects of climate change. With the rising in sea levels, warming of the oceans and intensifying and shifting intense weather patterns.

Low lying islands such as Tuvalu and Kiribati are at risk of been engulfed by the ocean by the year 2040 if steps are not taken to fight climate change and take pre-emptive measures to safeguard the islands.

Building of sea walls and regrowth of indigenous vegetation helps with erosion of the coast line but more permanent solutions need to be implemented through policy revision or policy introduction.

Chopped by

Flevian Jaden

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