Recognizing The Value of Ecosystem.

#ecosystems #climateaction #biodiversity #africa
SDG 12 SDG 13 SDG 15

Ecosystem values are measures of how important ecosystem services are to people – what they are worth. Economists measure the value of ecosystem services to people by estimating the amount people are willing to pay to preserve or enhance the services.

The ecosystem services are the benefits healthy ecosystems provide to humans. Clean air, clean water, and flood control etc. Functioning ecosystems and human well-being form a critical and inseparable linkage.

Impacts from human activity on land and in the water can influence ecosystems profoundly. Climate change, ocean acidification, permafrost melting, habitat loss, eutrophication, stormwater runoff, air pollution, contaminants, and invasive species are among many problems facing ecosystems.

As the world’s population continues to grow, so too does our dependence on healthy ecosystems to provide the necessities essential to our survival. Valuing nature in a way that can speak to decision makers, may help promote conservation efforts in the future and that's what needs to happen.

Chopped by

Valentine Chebet PMP®

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