Chopped by Aurelia Tenga

How Africa contribute in the restoration of landscape.

#fao #landrestoration
SDG 2 SDG 15

Landscape restoration is defined as a planned process that aims to regain ecological integrity and enhance human well-being in deforested or degraded forest landscapes. The idea isn't just to plant new trees, but to rebuild successful complete ecosystems within large-scale areas, not just small individual sites.

Restoration aims to improve water quality, re-habituate species to their original homes and stabilize healthier soil (and in turn healthier vegetation).

People around the Africa have begun to respond by demanding legislation, volunteering and donating to world organizations. But there are still a lot of things that experts ­say need to happen before we can truly begin to restore Earth's wildlife.

They say we must decrease our reliance on non-renewable energy, reduce our use of toxic materials and focus on the goal of rebuilding the damaged environments of capable areas.

Chopped by

Aurelia Tenga

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