Climate is the weather condition that is recorded in long time from 30 years or above.
Climate change in global level can be managed through inclusive and sustainability behaviours and this is done when developed country will donate and supporty materials which will enhance to fight with all challenges that will occur .
Also there should be an extensive gap that will allow each country to compete in maintaining climate condition .
Although the World now is facing different problems such as disease like COVID -19 but strategies should be made in order to continue to live in the world which can be transformed in both economically,socially,and i political matter.
Its time to stand up as one so that we can stop the poverty which seems as a source of destroying the environment in order to achieve different needs.
We have to feed the entire generations with hungry of protecting our nature by proving the quality education,quality water supply,food security,good policies and quality health services.
We have to negotiate and taking this agenda as one team .