Chopped by Mercy Mumbi

What do you think the answer will be??

Achieving all the SDGs within a decade, not to be a force of negativity but is quite almost impossible. First and fore most its quite hard to achieve the sustainable development goals when we truly don't eve understand what they are. Most people especially in developing countries have o idea o what they.
Some maybe be ignorant about knowing hat SDGs are, and most are completely clueless about they actually are. In my opinion in order to achieve these massive user education especially in developing countries, make them truly understand what SDGS are, each and every single one until almost 90% of mass population understands it.
Without these, trying to achieve the SDGs will just be another failed goal achieve and we will go back to where we started from and start from scratch and with everything happening, we can all agree time is not an asset we have.

Chopped by

Mercy Mumbi

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