Human population refers to the number of people occupying at a certain area .
Human population growth is accompained with development and influence both positive and negative impacts to the environment ,according to the improvement of social services such as education,health ,widening investment life expectancy of the people is increasing especially in developed country
When population increase people need food,shelter ,clothes and other social services
So this will cause people to destroy the environment through cutting down of trees for different purposes ,establishing of industries for productions and comsumptions ,and the impact will cause deforestation ,land pollution,Air pollution and water pollution.
In positive side as the population grow they help to spread environment education to other people so this will help to combat environment problems.
According to Tanzania Census of 2012 Tanzania has got 50 millions of people and the approximations of the current population are 60 millions people ,so this show how population increase
Tanzania provide and improve different social services so as to increase life expectancy ,aldo people are provided with environment eduction like using alternative source of energy,planting trees ,and conserving the nature .
Also there is different policies and rules that guide the extraction of environment resources ,and any one who is going against the punishment take place as per guidance .