Chopped by Jenipher Oduor
© The List Show TV

Reducing plastic waste

SDG 12 SDG 14

The fact that plastics are now a serious headache for the planet is proved by the fact that more and more governments are proposing measures to reduce their impact on the environment.

Every year, 500 billion plastic bottles are produced worldwide. Plastic in the ocean is already more than 150 million tons of waste. While on the subject of single-use plastics, which account for half of the plastic we use each year, they have an average useful life of 12 to 15 minutes and yet can take up to 500 years to disappear

Minimising the consumption of plastics is much simpler than it seems.
1. . Avoid one-use plastics
So many of the plastic items we use in our daily lives are used just once before ending up in the bin.
2. Stop buying bottled water - Avoid buying bottled water wherever you can by carrying your own refillable bottle, and be on the look out for places where you can top up with water for free.
3. Support projects that are tackling plastic pollution
Get involved with projects that are doing their bit to reduce, recycle or remove plastic waste from our environment.
4. Buy more bulk food and fewer packaged products
Disposable containers are induating supermarkets. But there is an alternative: more and more establishments are offering the possibility to buy in bulk.
5. Pay attention and put your plastic waste in the correct recycling container.

Chopped by

Jenipher Oduor

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