Nexus between gender and biodiversity
The degradation or loss of biodiversity does not only affect set group of individuals, it affects everyone. The degree to which degradation of biodiversity affects the society depends on a number of factors such as socio-economic factors or gender and because women represent a vast number of the world's poor they are heavily impacted by the loss of biodiversity.
For example through the loss of biodiversity changes in climate or patterns leads to human rights issues with the fight for limited resources and struggle for survival which in turn affects women and children more. Loss of biodiversity as mentioned before can also cause climate change leading to global warming. Hence it is important to find the nexus between biodiversity and gender. It is through finding this equilibrium that women can be included more and impacted more in the process of preserving biodiversity and hence starting the almanac for achieving the set SDG goals.
In order to address the gender inequality, human rights violations and biases we need policies in place that cater for integration between gender and biodiversity and these policies become frameworks that are implementable hence fostering accountability boosting chances of getting results.
The gender-biodiversity linkage should be major priority.
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