Chopped by prisca paulo
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We need birds in our life and also our environment

SDG 4 SDG 8 SDG 9 SDG 13 SDG 15

Why we need birds? Can you imagine a world without birds? The benefits birds bring us aren't just cultural.birds play an essential role in the functioning of the world's, ecosystem in a way that directly impacts human health economy and food production as well as millions of other species

Birds help us understand our environment.act as indicators of the health of our ecosystem are out balance.they occur nearly everywhere.
But due to differing ecological requirements, particular species are uniquely distributed . knowledge of the occurrence of birds can be used to identify the places that are most important for the conservation of biodiversity

Also Africa is rich in birds with 2355 species recorded on the continent.birds occur everywhere from the lowest point ( lake Assal 156m below sea level) to the highest mount kilimnjaro at nearly 5,900m people are passionate about birds they are generally highly visible and as a result are well- studied with huge amounts of information available on their biology and turn this help us understand the wealth of other biodiversity

Social cultural importance of birds, across Africa, bird's are well regarded in various culture and life style.they are the subjects of many provebs, riddle,stores and songs . Example Zulu in south Africa once wore turaco feathers headdresses,king of swatziland and maasai men in Kenya
# analysis of bird life data 2013 #

Chopped by

prisca paulo

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