Prevention of soil resources
Soil refers to the upper layer of the earths crust that compose organic and inorganic materials which support plant growth
Soil is a natural body which has functions
It is a medium for plant growth,the soil is contain nutrients which help the plant to growth due to the presence of organic material through the use of crop rotation like maize and beans inorder to keep the soil fertility.Example in my local area of Kilimanjaro in Tanzania they use crop rotation to protect the soil and to maintain the plant growth
It is a means of water storage , supply and purification,the soil are one among through the plant growth lead the presence of many source of water,and water are very important to living organism .Example in Tanzania many area there is water resources because of good soil
It's a modifier of Earth's atmosphere,the soil modifier the earth atmosphere because of good climate condition the area become green and different species occurred through the nutrients found to the soil , Example in longido in Tanzania there are good Earth's atmosphere
It's a habitat for organisms all of which in turn modify the soil,Example in Gombe ,mount kilimnjaro, Serengeti,this are one among area which living organism are presence the area is fevarouble to them and become the source of economic growth to the country through tourism activities
The government should includes all the policies, strategies and activities to sustainably manage the natural resources of fresh water to protect the hydrosphere and to meet the current and future human demand population house hold size and growth affluence all affect how much soil is used
#soil conservation #UNESCO #
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