Impacts of illegal wildlife trade on environment and human livelihood
Illegal wildlife trade has many negative consequences for human well being and species conservation, when criminal actors trade in endangered species they weaken entire ecosystems and they threaten essential links of the world's biological diversity(Un environment,2020)
Biodiversity loss, one of the greatest global threats through poaching it makes living creatures endangered, such as lions, elephants, rhinos, and leopards because of the demands on their skin, horns, claws, and teeth.In livelihood Illegal wildlife trade affects tourism activities that contribute to GDP growth for example Tanzania is affected by animal poaching Like elephants and rhino so it leads to a decrease in tourism activities and deprives the country of revenue
The impact of tourism also exacerbates unemployment in the community. So the community must work together to eradicate the illegal wildlife trade, and our policies and laws must hold accountable the perpetrators of the wildlife trade.
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