© IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature

The European Union Green Deal, set to put the European continent at the forefront of green

SDG 8 SDG 15

What starts as a Global Health crisis has eventually evolved into a huge economic and social crisis. The full magnitude of the impacts of these crises rather still remain unknown. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the relationship between these environmental challenges and human health and wellbeing. The pandemic further has made it more evident the extent of human dependence on nature, additionally elaborating on the importance of maintaining the symbiotic relationship in all interactions and dimensions of the planet.
The European Union has been able to lay down strategies and a roadmap aimed at making the European continent the first climate neutral continent by 2050. Existent too is a systematic agenda driving recovery towards a green and more sustainable economy, nature friendly, which encourages an account and basis to deliver on individual commitments underpinning the fragile balance between human wellbeing and nature conservation.
The European Union Green Deal is at the center of European governments efforts; and also goes beyond putting the EU on the carbon neutral and resilient economy. The EU biodiversity strategy is the Green Deal aimed to fight the biodiversity crisis, with a commitment to protect at least 30% of the land and sea surfaces through establishment of protected areas.
Council conclusions of the EU biodiversity strategy for 2030 approved as at October, 2020 stresses that nature based solutions fostering biodiversity will play an important and significant role in climate change mitigation and adaptation. This is also reflected in the new EU strategy on adaptation which represents a fast compliance to climate resilience in 2030 by member states. The strategy also pins out that implementing Nature based solutions on a larger scale will increase climate resilience and contribute to multiple green deal objectives. Green infrastructure too have been identified as facilities that will promote environmental, social and economic benefits from a green economy.


Chopped by

Joshua Apamaku Aiita

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