Chopped by Alice C. Tanui
© NTV Kenya

Balancing competing land uses for both human well-being and the environment.

#Leavenoonebehind #IAmAConservationGeneration #Love4Nature
SDG 15

The only living things that are expected to take care of the biodiversity take lead in destroying it. Kenya is well known for its rich biodiversity but more animals are under threat because they live in non-protected areas. Protected areas include, national parks (managed by the Kenya Wildlife Service), national reserves (managed by county governments) and conservancies. The protected areas are established in areas that contain large population of wildlife species focused on by the current wildlife policy. The country needs policies that adequately protect Kenya's species living in non-protected areas
The policy needs to increase protected areas for more species to be accommodated
Urban planning needs to consider biodiversity as towns and cities grow for example birds live in Masai mara national reserve
Agriculture shouldn't be overlooked, Human beings should coexist with animals, for instance in Rift Valley some communities protect large tract of land to support free movement of people, livestock and wildlife
Local communities should be involved in conserving wildlife species in their own localities

Therefore Kenya needs to prioritize conservation from a national levels. Laws on land use should be established to preserve and protect all wildlife species

“We should preserve every scrap of biodiversity as priceless while we learn to use it and come to understand what it means to humanity.”
– E. O. Wilson

Chopped by

Alice C. Tanui

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