Chopped by Alice C. Tanui
© The Nature Conservancy

Communal community conservation from the community for the community

SDG 8 SDG 15 SDG 17

When we come together great things happen, nature conservancies encourages us to view stewardship in a bigger picture then involve everyone.
"Bearing in mind the critical role that nature plays, it is absolutely critical to conserve it, not only for the sake of humans, but also for nature’s own sake. Local communities and Indigenous Peoples have been doing this work for millennia through their own efforts across the world, not least of all in Africa." Forest Cover 56
As we celebrate the role of farmers as stewards, we should bring specialists in all areas to come in and educate the community on the sustainable farming & production , where we will preserve the environment for us and the next generations(We ensure than we grow our economy but not in expense of nature)
Africa's rich biodiversity faces
numerous threats from human
activities such as extractive
industries, industrial agriculture
and monoculture plantations.
These activities are drivers of
biodiversity loss and climate
change, dangerously affecting local
communities and their livelihoods.
Climate change and rising average
temperatures are leading to
droughts, floods and community
displacement. All these problems should be talked about and real solutions be implemented and acted on for and from the community

We owe a better planet to our children, grandchildren and the next

Chopped by

Alice C. Tanui

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