Chopped by prisca paulo

Agricultural sustainability and environmental sustainable

SDG 4 SDG 6 SDG 8 SDG 9 SDG 13 SDG 15

Sustainable Agricultural is farming in sustainable ways meeting society's presents food and textile needs without compromising the ability for current or future generations to meet their can be based on an unders tendency of ecosystem services.
Sustainable Agriculture provides a potential solution to enable Agricultural systems to feed a growing population within the changing environmental condition

Agricultural sustainability is very important
It provide the soil to remain productivity in Agricultural systems
Is the source of water because the soil are stable and it help the plant growth through this water preserved
Is the source of good climate condition due to the use of organic manure which are fevarouble to the environment .
Also the people who are engaged in Agricultural they supposed to use the best way of Agricultural systems and there are must be the presence of expertise in order to give the people education on how to practice the sustainable Agricultural and the impact of Agricultural to the community and national level

Chopped by

prisca paulo

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