Chopped by alex samaga

Making a World a better place starts with young People.

SDG 3 SDG 13 SDG 14 SDG 15

Plastic is terrible for the environment. David Attenborough and the Blue Planet II team really brought the issue home — and now, brilliantly, we hear about it all the time.

Countries and cities around the world are banning plastic use left, right, and centre, and the call for the end of single-use plastics is at an all-time high, (LLC, 2021.)

In Africa especially my country Tanzania, the problem is huge and threaten life under water.
But the government is trying to minimize the use of plastics bags, also the other stake holders doing their best level to educate the society about how plastic being recycling for further uses, for instance Roots & Shoots Tanzania.

Chopped by

alex samaga

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