Chopped by Alice C. Tanui

Love for nature,Happy Green Valentines

#Leavenoonebehind #Kang4Nature #Conservation
SDG 15 SDG 17

We at KANG4NATURE believe that the environment was loaned to us by our children therefore we must take care of our own home. On 14/2 we had an event dubbed Love4Nature to celebrate love by doing what we love most. We all believe that we will hand over a better home to our children. Steady rocking in the midnight train to making Kenya the SI unit of conservation. We pay tribute to nature as an organization for it served us well growing up
Nature heals
Nature loves
Nature is peaceful
Nature doesn't discriminate
Nature is patient
Nature is love and for the love of nature, we are conservation generation

Chopped by

Alice C. Tanui

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